Welcome Sisters, Brothers, Mothers and Fathers who join this blog. All Love!

We started Agnihotra Homa Therapy 1978. We have been doing Homa Farming in the Middle East and lecture on our personal experiences in Europe and Asia. Most impressive experience with this Technology was the miraculous healings we experienced on us,on our children, family members, friends and neigbours. On our farm we only used Agnihotra ash powder, Agnihotra Ash water solution and of course the regular performance of Agnihotra as well as other Homa Fires.Wonderful how easy this process is. Not much education required. It's simple and easy applicable in everyones busy life, because it just takes 5 to 10 minutes of our time, depend on the experience. We invite you: "Come join us and heal the world. God bless you."(Please note: articles published may not be of our opinion, but for the sake of comunication, education, exchange and discussion papers are posted here).

Freitag, 26. August 2011

MScThesis on Agnihotra to CSK HP Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (University),Palampur


Dr. Punam Directorate of Extension Education
Extension Specialist (Agro forestry) CSK HP Krishi Vishvavidyalaya,
Palampur-176062 (HP)INDIA

An experiment entitled “Evaluation of Environment Healing -Homa Farming “Agnihotra” activity in Organic Farm” was conducted in 3 experimental studies during 2008-09. The objective of the research work was to work out the relationship of Agnihotra timings, different base mediums, offerings and mantras with the nutrients / agrochemicals in the Agnihotra ash.
First study consisted of 24 treatments comprising of all possible combinations of activity timings and Agnihotra apparatus. Second study also consisted of 24 treatments having combinations of activity timings and Agnihotra offerings. Third study consisted of 12 treatments having combinations of activity timings and chanting of mantras. The studies were laid out in Completely Randomized Design with three replications.
Ash samples collected after every Agnihotra activity were analyzed for ash colour and chemical parameters i.e., pH, OC, S, P, K, Ca, Mg and micronutrients. The salient findings obtained from the studies have been summarized in this chapter.
6.1. Study 1-Effect of Activity Timings and Different Agnihotra Mediums on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Agnihotra Ash
1 The colour of the ash was found to be grey when dry and black when moist.

2 Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature.

3 Nutrients / agrochemicals (P, Ca, Mg and Mn) and OC in ash were significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard timings irrespective of the nature of pyramids.

4 When timings were changed w.r.t. standard time, then the effect was not significant on the concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals irrespective of the nature of pyramids in ash.

5 Significantly higher concentration of OC and nutrients / agrochemicals (K and Cu) was found in copper pyramid irrespective of activity timings.

6 When medium of the Agnihotra pyramid was changed w.r.t. standard pyramid i.e., copper then there was no significant effect on the concentration of rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals in ash irrespective of activity timings.

7 Interaction effect of activity timings and different pyramids had significant effect only on the concentrations of OC and Cu. In ash, OC was significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard time in standard medium i.e., copper. The significantly higher concentration of Cu was obtained when Agnihotra was performed in copper pyramid at half an hour after standard timings.

6.2. Study 2 – Effect of Activity Timings and Different Offerings on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Agnihotra Ash
1 The colour of the ash was found to be grey in dry and black in moist ash.

2 Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature.

3 Mg and Zn contents in ash were significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard timings i.e., exact sunrise and sunset time irrespective of offerings.

4 Activity timings had no significant effect on the concentration of rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals except in Ca, Cu and OC. Significantly higher concentrations of Ca and Cu were obtained at half an hour before standard timings and in case of OC at half an hour before and after standard timings irrespective of offerings.

5 Significantly higher concentration of OC, K, P, Cu and Zn were found in ash with standard offering i.e., cow dung + ghee + rice grains irrespective of activity timings.

6 When offerings were changed w.r.t. standard offering, there was no significant effect on the concentration of rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals in ash.

7 Interaction effect of different activity timings and different offerings on the concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals in ash was not significant except in case of Cu, Zn and OC. In case of Cu, significantly highest concentration was recorded at half an hour before standard timings with cow dung + ghee offering, whereas, Zn concentration was significantly high at half an hour before standard timings with cow dung + ghee + rice grains offering. In case of OC, significantly higher concentration was obtained when Agnihotra was performed at half an hour after standard timing with standard offering i.e., cow dung + ghee + rice grains

6.3. Study 3 - Effect of Activity Timings and Chanting of Mantras on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Agnihotra Ash
1 The colour of the ash was found to be grey when dry and black when moist.

2 Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature.

3 Concentrations of OC and nutrients / agrochemicals (Mg, Fe, Mn and Cu) in ash were significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard timings irrespective of chanting of mantras.

4 When timings were changed w.r.t. standard time, then the effect was not significant on the concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals in ash irrespective of chanting of mantras.

5 Concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals (Mg, P, Fe and Cu) in ash was significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed with chanting of mantras irrespective of activity timings but in rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals and OC, effect of chanting of mantras was not significant.

6 The interaction effect of different activity timings and chanting of mantras revealed that chanting of mantras and activity timings had no significant effect on the concentration of all the nutrients / agrochemicals (except Cu) and OC in Agnihotra ash. Cu in ash was significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard time with chanting of mantras.

From the present study it can be concluded that

1. When Agnihotra was performed at exact timings in copper pyramid using standard offerings, it was found that Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature and comprised of OC(11.1 g/kg), P(17.17 g/kg), S(0.60 g/kg), K(46.15 g/kg), Ca(13.17 g/kg), Mg(0.92 g/kg), Fe(3.91 g/kg), Mn(0.96 g/kg), Cu(0.61 g/kg), Zn(0.26 g/kg).

2 When individual effect of activity timings, different mediums, different offerings and chanting of mantras was taken into account, then maximum concentration of majority of important nutrients / agrochemicals for crop and soil was obtained in Agnihotra ash at standard timings, in standard pyramid i.e., copper, in standard offering i.e., cow dung + ghee + rice grains and with chanting of mantras.

3 There was no significant relationship of activity timings, mediums, offerings and chanting of mantras with the concentrations of nutrients / agrochemicals in the Agnihotra ash.

4 In Homa farming, Agnihotra ash known for its fertilizing as well as plant protecting quality does not seem to have its effect on the soil crop exclusively because of the nutrients / agrochemicals present in it but may be because of the subtle energies entrapped in it which purify the atmosphere.


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Chesnin, L. and Yien, C.H. 1950. Turdimetric determination of available Sulphates. Soil Science Society of America Proc. 15 : 149-151.
Ganesan, P.C. 2007. Agnihotra for Health, Wealth and Happiness. Sura Books Pub. pp. 14-17.
Heschl, K. 2006. Homa Therapy Research Program at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur India. In :Lisa Powers ed. Satsang. Fivefold Path Inc. Parama Dham (House of Almighty Father). 10 p.
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Jackson, M.L. 1973. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India. Private Ltd., New Delhi. pp. 46-47, 151-154.
Koch, M. 2004. Homa Therapy-The Ancient Science of Healing. Fivefold Path Inc. 367N. White Oak Dr. Madison Va 22727 USA. 96 p.
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Paranjpe, V.V. 1989. Homa Therapy - Our Last Chance. Fivefold Path, Parama Dham (House of Almighty father). 79 p.
Puchalski, W. 2009. The Report From Studies in India. The Nature Laboratory, Poland. 42 p.

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Selvaraj, N., Ramaraj, B., Devrajan, K., Seenivasan, N., Thirumal Murugan, V. and Karthikeyan, I. 2003. Effect of organic farming on growth and yield of Rosemary. p. 66 In National Seminar on Production and Utilization of Medicinal plants, Annamalai University. March, 2003.
Selvaraj, N., Ramaraj, B., Devrajan, K., Seenivasan, N., Palanna, K.B. and Selvi, S.
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Walkley, A. 1947. A critical examination of a rapid method for determination of organic carbon in soils - effect of variations in digestion conditions and of inorganic soil constituents. Soil Science 63 : 251-257.

Montag, 22. August 2011

Peru. A wonderful example of Arc of Fire

Jessica Auza has created with so much love and dedication this beautiful refuge in the jungle of Peru. Congratulation. We hope your project will find many following. We hope you have a wondeful life.

Sonntag, 21. August 2011

Agnihotra at the office of Dr. Emoto in Tokio

Agnihotra is the most easiest technology to combat pollution and heal the Earth at its coeur. Healing in fact goes even beyond the realms which we are able to perceive. You start Agnihotra at your own home and just believe what you experience. Mind you: Research work needs some time.Sometime it also takes time to get to feel, to get to yourself. Stay on and do not give up to fast. Better you leave expectations and just try to be in the moment. Give in to the here and now. Just be! I do it more then 33 years. Love and Light

Ghee (clarified butter, gereinigter Butterschmalz)

Ghee (clarified butter, gereinigter Butterschmalz)
Ghee ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Agnihotra Sonnenauf und - untergangsfeuer.
Zur Herstellung im Haushalt wird Butter vorsichtig erhitzt und für etwa 30 Minuten flüssig gehalten. Dabei setzt sich das geronnene Eiweiß im Schaum und am Boden ab, das Wasser verdunstet. Durch Abschöpfen des Schaumes, anschließendes Abgießen und/oder Filtern wird die Butter geklärt. Aus 1 kg Butter kann man so etwa 700 g Butterreinfett gewinnen.
Auf 100 Gramm bezogen enthält es 99,8 Gramm Butterfett, darunter zu 29 Prozent einfach und 4,6 Prozent mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Den Rest machen Cholesterin (278 mg), Wasser (100 mg), fettlösliche Vitamine (A: 0,93 mg, D: 1,6 µg und E: 2,4 mg) und Carotin: (0,53 mg) aus.
Es gibt verschiedene Methoden Ghee herzustellen. (siehe dazu die Webseite: wikipedia.org)
Ghee ist auch Grundlage für die ayurvedische Reinigungskur Panchakarma (sprich: Panschakarma). Hier ist es in der Lage, selbst jahrzehntealte fettlösliche Schlacken und Schwermetall-Ablagerungen aus dem Körper zu entfernen.
In den ayurvedischen Schriften wird eine feine Lebenskraft beschrieben, Ojas (sprich: Odschas) genannt, die eine Verbindung zwischen dem feinstofflichen und feststofflichen Körper herstellt. Je mehr Ojas vorhanden ist, desto mehr sind gute Gefühle, Freude, Glück, eine gute Ausstrahlung und ein erweitertes Bewusstsein möglich. Von allen Lebensmitteln soll Ghee den höchsten Gehalt an Ojas haben.
Beim Verbrennen von Ghee werden die enthaltenen Wirkstoffe in die Atmosphäre freigesetzt. Es entstehen feine Düfte, welche geistige und seelische Spannungen lösen können. Die stark reinigende Eigenschaft von Ghee kommt ebenfalls zum Tragen.
Es wird gesagt, dass je älter Ghee wird, je medizinischer, heilsamer wird seine Wirkung. Es gibt verfahren, die helfen den Alterungsprozess des Ghee zu beschleunigen.
Das Ghee auf dem Foto oben ist um die 200 Jahre alt.
Ghee is an important ingredient for Agnihotra sunrise and sunset fire.
Ghee is made by simmering unsalted butter in a cooking vessel until all water has boiled off, the milk solids (or protein) have settled to the bottom, and a froth has floated on top. After removing the froth, the cooked and clarified butter is then spooned off or tipped out carefully to avoid disturbing the milk solids on the bottom of the pan, then filtered and stored. Ghee can be stored for extended periods without refrigeration.
Like any clarified butter, ghee is composed almost entirely of fat; the nutrition facts label found on cow's ghee indicates eight mg. of cholesterol per teaspoon. Ghee is very high in Vitamin A and Vitamin D content. It can be supportive for eye and bone health. Ghee helps the absorption of not only vitamins and minerals but also phytonutrients. (see Website: wikipedia.org).
It is said the elder the Ghee the more medicinal, healing it becomes.
The Ghee shown in the picture is around 200 years old.

Freitag, 5. August 2011

More on Agnihotra - radioactivity

Agnihotra and Radioactivity

One Eastern European scientist said:
“Normally scientists will not understand easily how radioactivity can be neutralised by doing AGNIHOTRA. They always think of burning something as a chemical process only. But if it is only a chemical process then the nuclei of the atoms are not changed. Therefore radioactivity is not affected at all.
In the last few years there were some articles on so-called ‘Cold Fusion’ where under quite normal conditions in laboratories atoms were fused. Most scientists do not believe that this might be possible. However, these reports were correct. In the Agnihotra process there is also something like cold fusion. This explains how radioactivity can be eliminated. The brainwaves of a person sitting near Agnihotra have an impact on the flame. If you measure the frequencies of the flame by some optical methods we could get something like EEG without even touching that person.”


After the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, a meeting was held in Munich, between Sientists of former Soviet Union and what was then West Germany. The presentation was made by Soviet Scientists.
Some of the things discussed were as follows:

We have confirmed that the Agnihotra ash is the only absolute pure substance which can work directly against radioactivity. It's working on a very simple principle. Our body is not able to recognize different elements like for example atoms of iron, and even less if they are radioactive or not. For example I eat an iron atom with my food and my body is not able to recognize it. When my body is filled with non-radioactive elements, then all that is coming in from any radioactive element will be thrown out; that is the principle of metabolism. Be it caesium, iron or any other element. We need caesium every day, iodine too, but when I take this same non-radioactive elements before, through the intake of Agnihotra ash, radioactive elements will not stay in the body; they come in and go out again! That means that from the Agnihotra ash we can make tablets and they act against radioactivity! Each scientist must say yes to this possibility! But the cow dung, the ghee, the rice, all the substances used for Agnihotra process should not be radioactive. I know that in India and in Australia these substances are not polluted. We should start to produce Agnihotra ash tablets, either in India or in Europe, but with non-radioactive substances. This must be done in mass scale! I'm sorry to say that we shall start this as a "business", but is for helping humanity! Chernobyl was very dangerous, but today it's even more dangerous. Before the radioactive elements were in the air - now they are in the soil.... Europe is suffering! Children don't have enough non-radioactive elements. Of course the TVs, newspapers and radios don't speak about the real situation, but the scientists and experts know that it's very dangerous. Every day becomes more and more difficult. Again I say that we must produce Agnihotra ash tablets! In the Agnihotra ash there are 92 elements! We have to check the elements that are in the ash. Then we have to know how is the quality and the amount of each of these elements within the ash and how much Agnihotra ash a man needs for his daily dose. The main point is, that the elements of Agnihotra ash have not become radioactive. All medical medicine, every tablet, vitamin, etc. are radioactive, especially in Europe. So the two important points are, that Agnihotra ash contains more elements than any tablet known up to now and secondly, the conventional tablets are radioactive and Agnihotra ash is not radioactive! An example: the cow takes 92 elements when she eats grass and during the whole cycle 92 elements go out daily. So 92 elements go in, 92 go out and within the cow there also remain 92 elements all the time. That is the cycle. The same happens with every animal. It is only a difference in the concentration of the elements. Cows, men and goats have quite a similar concentration of these elements. When we take the product of a cow, what comes out has all the 92 elements! A cow is like a factory producing ghee and cowdung! Ghee has about 90% carbon. It is very rare, to find such an amount of carbon in any substance. The analysis of the Agnihotra ash will show if there is some radioactive carbon in the ghee. After the burning of the ghee it is not an organic material anymore. It becomes again a mineral substance. The mineral is again prepared to be returned to the earth. The burning process can take place by Agnihotra. The input and output weight are the same. Both cannot undergo any change. The atomic weight of the carbon is 6, and it does not change. You can burn it, you can feed a cow with it, or give it to a person, it always has the same weight. Here the scientists think in a different way. They think it is not the same if carbon is going through a man’s or a cow’s body, the weight remains the same, but within the carbon there are some subatomic particles. The physicist has found - beside protons, neutrons and electrons - about 2223 subatomic particles, but science does not know what to do with them. Why they are like that, nobody knows.

Haber on Radioactivity

In physiological terms the body constantly exchanges all its elements (not cells). There are only some exceptions, like the lenses of the eyes and some parts of the nervous system. The mechanism of this exchange of elements in the body is not exactly known. For this exchange the body constantly needs elements like calcium, copper, iron etc. As long as these elements are not radioactive the body functions normally. Our body can deal well with the natural radioactivity which has been existing since millions of years on this planet. However, since the Chernobyl accident we are dealing with a much increased manmade radioactivity. Many radioactive elements like Caesium, Iodine, Ferric etc. have fallen onto this earth. The half-life period of these isotopes is rather high for some of them. They went from the air into the earth, from there into our food – salads vegetables, fruits. Through our food we absorb radioactive elements. This is because our body cannot distinguish whether an element is radioactive or not, and thus it absorbs the element without selection. Once a radioactive element is stored in the body it radiates all the time (like a lighthouse) and destroys the cells in its surroundings. The body reacts with an infection (with luck the radioactive element is thereby thrown out of the body) or it reacts with a tumor, with cancer.
How can we avoid the absorption of radioactive elements into our body? The answer is simple - we have to give the body each element in a natural (non-radioactive) form. Once the body is saturated with these elements, any radioactive versions of these elements thereafter are not absorbed by the body any longer. It very quickly gets rid of them. The newly absorbed non-radioactive elements will by and by replace the radioactive substances which we had absorbed in earlier time and which our body had stored.
Now where do we get these non-radioactive elements from in order to protect our body? The experiment that was conducted some time ago has shown that the Agnihotra ash (which at the time was produced by about 40 participants according to special directions of Mister Haber) was not radioactive, even though the ingredients were radioactive. (Till now we do not have an explanation of how this is possible – but the measurements of this effect were very clear.)
How this mechanism of changing radioactive elements into non-radioactive elements works we do not yet understand. It cannot be explained neither by modern chemistry nor by physics. But the result has been tested several times with always the same outcome: The Agnihotra ash just had natural radioactivity.
Also the Agnihotra ash contains all the 92 natural chemical elements. In this way the body’s total requirement can be covered.
Therefore it is suggested to everybody to eat say a teaspoon of Agnihotra ash before every meal. Most important is in the morning. An easier way would be to make tablets from the ash which can easily be taken (as people are used to take tablets).
Mr. Haber stated that it will be necessary to produce big quantities of Agnihotra ash, he said: “in barrels”.

But also plants should get Agnihotra ash because the face the same problem of radioactivity.

Dienstag, 2. August 2011

Fivefold Path Sanctuary Tapovan, India

Since 11 year non stop Tryambakam Yajnya is performed at Tapovan, District Jalgaon, India. At sunset more then 20 Agnihotra fires are lit daily. This place started 15 years ago as a dessert and became a oasis and recreation center for people from all around the world. Plants grow strong and pest free. Birds meet in concert every day. Harmony and love is all around.
Anne, Bruce, Sanjay and team are the heart of Tapovan. It is due to there dedication that we have this wonderful health resort today.

Montag, 1. August 2011

Evening Agnihotra at Onahama, Fukushima, Japan 24th July 2011

How wonderful to meet people all over the world who's concern and aim is to spend their live to heal and serve mother earth and its inhabitants. We are one big family and what ever we do, where ever we are it is to fill all the spheres with love and gratitude.