Welcome Sisters, Brothers, Mothers and Fathers who join this blog. All Love!

We started Agnihotra Homa Therapy 1978. We have been doing Homa Farming in the Middle East and lecture on our personal experiences in Europe and Asia. Most impressive experience with this Technology was the miraculous healings we experienced on us,on our children, family members, friends and neigbours. On our farm we only used Agnihotra ash powder, Agnihotra Ash water solution and of course the regular performance of Agnihotra as well as other Homa Fires.Wonderful how easy this process is. Not much education required. It's simple and easy applicable in everyones busy life, because it just takes 5 to 10 minutes of our time, depend on the experience. We invite you: "Come join us and heal the world. God bless you."(Please note: articles published may not be of our opinion, but for the sake of comunication, education, exchange and discussion papers are posted here).

Montag, 11. Juli 2011

3. Regenbogenfestival in Seeboden Austria

Das Regenbogenteam Anette, Petra, Heidi und mehr haben in diesem Jahr wieder eingeladen zu einem Treffen fuer den Frieden, dem Verstaendniss und zum Umdenken.... Finde den Zugang zu Deiner Mitte, in Dein Herz, dort wo Du mit Gott vereint bist, in Deinem Frieden. Raus aus dem Interlekt in die Zuversicht und Freiheit der Herzensliebe. dort gibt es keine Angst und wir erfahren unseren Weg des lebendigen Dienstes an Gott und die Schoepfung, sprich: Natur und alle Lebewesen und darueber hinaus.

Danke fuer dieses tolle Festival.

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