Welcome Sisters, Brothers, Mothers and Fathers who join this blog. All Love!

We started Agnihotra Homa Therapy 1978. We have been doing Homa Farming in the Middle East and lecture on our personal experiences in Europe and Asia. Most impressive experience with this Technology was the miraculous healings we experienced on us,on our children, family members, friends and neigbours. On our farm we only used Agnihotra ash powder, Agnihotra Ash water solution and of course the regular performance of Agnihotra as well as other Homa Fires.Wonderful how easy this process is. Not much education required. It's simple and easy applicable in everyones busy life, because it just takes 5 to 10 minutes of our time, depend on the experience. We invite you: "Come join us and heal the world. God bless you."(Please note: articles published may not be of our opinion, but for the sake of comunication, education, exchange and discussion papers are posted here).

Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017

Sonnenwende mit Agnihotra. Summer Equinox with Agnihotra

Victoria und Jürgen wowie Andrea und Markus machen seit geraumer Zeit Agnihotra auf ihren Landwirtschaften. Zusammen haben sie ca. 130 Kühe und produzieren getrockneten Kuhdung und Ghee für alle, die Agnihotra und andere vedische Feuer praktizieren. Alexandra Z. hat beide Familien in das alte Wissen der Homa Therapie Agnihotra Feuer initiert, daß mit Begeisterung und Freude täglich praktiziert wird. Die Asche findet schon medizinische Anwendung bei ihren Kühen, wird als Zusatz in das Trinkwasser und/oder Futter gegeben und auf den Äckern ausgetragen wird.  Viele Freunde wurden an diesem Abend eingeladen und wir konnten einige neue Agnihotrafeuer entzünden und uns zusammen bei Mutter Natur, die so wunderbar ist, bedanken.

Wenn Kuhdung und Ghee benötigt wird, bitte kontaktiert sie direkt: Jürgen, 06644357213 oder email. juergen-flois@gmx.at

Victoria and Jürgen as well as Andrea and Markus have been doing Agnihotra on their farms for quite some time. Together, they have about 130 cows and produce dried cow dung and ghee for all who practice Agnihotra and other Vedic fires. Alexandra Z. has initiated both families into the ancient knowledge of the Homa Therapy Agnihotra fire that is practiced with enthusiasm and joy every day. The ashes are already used for medical purposes on their cows, are added to the drinking water and / or feed and are discharged in the fields. Many friends were invited this evening and we were able to ignite some new Agnihotra fire and thank Mother Nature, who is so wonderful.

Please contact Jürgen for cowdung and ghee in Austria: 06644357213 oder email. juergen-flois@gmx.at

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